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I was listening to an opinion piece the other day that said Hollywood doesn’t know how to deal with cutting through the noise to get the attention of their audience. To a small degree, I can agree with that. People, generally, stay away from the big theater experience except for a handful of really big productions. Theater attendance struggles, and they’ve lost the purity of the pre-movie trailer.

I used to LOVE to watch trailers. I was always excited to see what was coming to the big screen.

Then, somehow, the story tellers of the movie world forgot how to make people excited about a story without giving everything away. Trailers became events and had ‘previews’ and then the internet had leaks and versions…

It has only become worse. Now, AI generated, fan based fakes are very difficult to spot. There’s no clear and easy way to track down what’s coming up. I might have missed it altogether if not for a site I track with a newsfeed aggregator hadn’t pointed it out. The original article caught my eye because there’s a movie listed that I *really* would like to see. Check out the article here.

Individual streaming services have started to find the key I think. The “trailer” was not for an individual film, as in the past but instead for a number of movies and shows that are slated to be released this year. I think this sort of trailer, with a host of individual clues will be the way to go in the future. I will probably watch this one again, just to try to pick up on the visual cues I missed the first time through. Then I’ll be sure to track down those shows or movies on their channel. I am also pumped to hear that “Old Guard 2” is on the list… now I just have to see what part of this trailer shows that to me.

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