The Watch List

For a while I was writing a monthly review of viewing suggestions and reviews of various science fiction media. I got away from writing that after a number of posts for a couple of reasons. First, writing on a schedule like that, while great for keeping the writing muscles strong was not allowing me to focus on my fiction. Second, the article series felt like it had run its course and Watch The Skies needed something different to keep things fresh.

Lastly, and I think most importantly to me, there was a need to keep things more positive than I was feeling at the time. It’s a much more challenging prospect to find something that’s actually good (in one’s own opinion) and then clearly lay out all the positive aspects of it. It’s important to work on positive things – tearing another person’s work down is easy – finding all the good things to say is the bigger challenge. This actually ties in to the reason I bring all of my genuinely negative reviews of books I read here. If I’m going to be negative about something I’m going to own it. I don’t want to be the troll that just tosses garbage out on whatever site I happen to be on at the time. I understand how difficult it is to create something and send it out to the world. I’ve had negative feedback and I don’t particularly like it, so I try not to be that kind of jerk to others.

Having said all that, here’s where I’m going. I’ve posted one recently (last week’s ‘not a secret’) and I plan to continue to post commentary on the things I’m watching – good, bad or indifferent. As I go forward, I’m just going to put all the thoughts out there. I know that has worked for me for other reviewers in the past… even when I disagreed. If they hated it, I would consider that a solid recommendation.

I hope that my ones of fans will appreciate the honest reviews and use those to fine tune the things on the watch list – even if it means watching the exact opposite of the things I recommend.