Still Working

So, I’ve been working when I can to get my writing out there. I have a flash fiction piece I really like. I submitted it to a contest and I really thought I had a shot.

As it turns out there were only 750 entrants to the contest – odds were better than I thought.

Didn’t even crack the top 10.

So, I’ll tweak it and send it to somebody else.

In the mean time, if you’d like to be disturbed listen to the second place story here:

Time Delay

It’s a challenge to keep things up to date here at the site lately. The new video card for the computer arrived today. The last piece to finish fixing / updating the computer. Soon we should have additional RAM, new video and TWO new wide screens up and running. Being able to actually work on the home computer again as opposed to being limited to the work system should help things considerably!

As far as the actual work – still getting the rejections piling up. Just got another one, this time from Wicked Words Quarterly. One of these days something is going to stick.

More Soon.

Advertising via Logarithm

So, I get these e-mails filled with “things I might like” generated by some computer code frequently. I’ve adjusted my line of thinking – these are the same as flyers and other junk mail I used to get by way of the post office only with more chance of something I’d actually be interested in. Sometimes I get amusing results based on random crap I’ve searched for. I’ve almost never had something leap out and fill me with the desire to spend money.

I got this from Amazon the other day – and it proves to me beyond a shadow of a doubt that computers have a long way to go before they replace people and the things people can do.



YES oh great and powerful Amazon – I might just be interested in a book that contains one of my stories. NO, I don’t think I’m going to purchase another copy through you.

I will however suggest to anyone reading that doesn’t have a copy – that’s a great price, you should pick one up and read it!

Speed of the Net (and other things)

It never ceases to amaze me when I sign on and realize that another week has shot past. There are days when I wish I could just write (things like this, and other things) all the time. I’m not certain I’m ready to make that leap. The business of writing is quite volatile these days. There are fewer or rather newer gate keepers and a chance to rocket to unbelievable heights. Mostly there is the same chance there has always been – to toil in obscurity never going beyond the current point.

I am endeavoring to change that. In my stolen moments I am writing, and submitting stories. To that end, I submitted a story to Interzone just this past weekend. I am grateful for the connectivity of the internet that allowed me to make a connection where I had been unwilling to attempt before. So – time flies and so do the e-submissions! I will definitely keep everyone posted on this as I know more.

I’d say I was crossing my fingers, but it’s really difficult to type that way.