Random Bits and It Could Have Been Worse

I’ve made a sincere attempt to pare down the number of things going on in my life lately. I really want (and need) to get into more of my personal projects. I need to get more writing done. I’ve got a couple of year and a half old art projects that I’m desperate to finish. I’m working on it.

Little things keep cropping up. Thankfully all of these things land in the “it could have been worse” category. There are some that I won’t post here – stuff that won’t be public knowledge – but here are a couple of examples:

Just found out today that the washing machine needed a new pump. Why would it need a new pump? Because a sock go sucked into the impeller and jammed the whole thing tight of course. So – it’s 150 bucks, but it could have been a lot worse. I can tell you that we were able to cover that repair bill AND we don’t have to go shopping for a new and far more costly washing machine that likely doesn’t work the way we want. Happy with paying that money out? Not exactly, but it beats 500.


Yesterday I got a call from my lovely wife that she had been in a car accident. That’s the sort of thing that immediately sets my world on “wobble” and I start to not think clearly. Fortunately it was an extremely minor fender bender – from her point of view. Somebody hit the car behind her really hard (hard enough for that guy to head to the hospital to get checked out) and that car bumped into hers. Loud bang, no real damage. What it cost was some time standing around waiting for the police to show up and get everything written up. Again – could have been significantly worse. I’m SUPER thankful that’s all it was. There’s a spot to buff out on the back of the car and a phone call to clear up some paperwork. I’ll take it.

I suspect most people wouldn’t land these in the “good” category, but I do. I’d much rather the lesser of the choices. What it has done is made a week when I had nothing really going on and was planning to write bunches much less hospitable to writing time. I suspect I’m going to squeeze some in while I’m catching up on laundry…

That’s where I am right now. I’m going to get some reviews done and posted to try to catch up as well – I’ve actually got a few to write up. I’ve got some promotional stuff I NEED to get posted as well.

Most of all I just need to get some creative stuff out there. Watch out – here it comes!

Get Out

Writing is a solitary business. You and your chosen method of applying words to paper (virtual or otherwise). It can be difficult, draining and many other words that don’t have very positive connotations. There is something you can do that is a tremendous help.

You can get out.

Yes, get up and move. Stretch in the way that makes that spot between your shoulder blades grind and sort of pop. Focus beyond the meager couple of feet between you and your screen and walk out the door.

I tell you this because an “adventure” doesn’t have to be a big deal. You probably won’t travel through the mines of Moria, nor are you likely to slip into London below. You might however find that one street you hadn’t noticed before. It’s turned at just such an angle that the noise from the busy streets at either end of the block doesn’t carry to the middle. There are concrete stoops with unusual plants. Delicate fairy lights dangle in a miniature garden between two houses just before you see a sign for a shop you never knew was there. It could be better lit, but something about it draws you in anyway. Just a trio of steps off the street, with the jingle of dainty bells and suddenly you’re very far away.

It could be anywhere. Down the street, across town or into that restaurant you’ve been meaning to try. You’ll be shocked at just how much little differences can make when you’ve been stuck in the same place for too long. My travels this evening were fruitful. I netted a free book at an author appearance, learned of a particular author I may need to cyber-stalk and came home with at least 3 new story ideas.

Get out. There’s a world out there filled with interesting new places and people. When you’ve had enough, rush back to your key board and finish that story. I think you’ll find a little adventure might just be exactly what you need.

Writer’s Fuel

Being sick doesn’t have a lot of advantages, it’s mostly terrible with a strong amount of wishing to get better. One of the things being sick can do for you is give you fuel for your writing.

I couldn’t say if it was the self administered ‘cough medicine’ I had before bed combined with vapor rub fumes or not, but last night landed in a very weird place. That was terrible for getting some sleep and the rest needed to get better, but it was really great as writer’s fuel.

My dreams (nightmares?) took place in an expanded haunted house combination version of the place I grew up in Maine and my grandmother’s house. An old house with hidden storage under the eaves between closets where the walls didn’t get constructed all the way to the roof. I was hearing something that I couldn’t define, like I kept trying to tune in a fading radio station that was saying something important or something sinister and I couldn’t quite put a finger on it. The whole thing would fade when I got closer to being awake and then pick up just as I was really drifting off. Hazy, woozy and scrambling forward without being able to make any progress. I don’t really remember the details but the feeling was queasy and panicked. Not a great combination for rest, but just the sort of thing to put one in the right frame of mind for writing something moody.

What sort of fuel do you use for your writing?


Still Writing

I know it’s been awfully quiet here lately. I’m working my way back to getting more stuff up here I really am. I’ve got a couple of things lined up. I’ve also received TWO invitations to anthologies! I’m very excited about this and have started cranking away on those ideas already.

More soon!

Still Getting Stuff Out There!

So I totally vague-booked a while back about a story I had high hopes for when I submitted it. I try to stay away from some of the more annoying habits of social media, but I didn’t want to jinx anything. I send the story and had that sliver of hope, that teeny part that thought, “I’m so right on target for this…”

As it turned out the editors that put out the call departed the scene and the theme that I thought my story was perfect for wasn’t actually going to happen.

The folks that picked up the editor process there have sounded like they’re really decent. They went through all the stuff that was submitted for the theme even if they weren’t going to run it. They took the time, even when the clearly didn’t have to.

And that’s when I got my latest rejection letter. Crap.


I’m happy to say that my short story “Desire” will be part of an anthology project! The story collection will be connected to a strategy board game – and both are based on an alternate history where Japan came out the winner of WWII. It’s a shared world project where my story will actually be braided together with a couple of the other authors’ stories. I’m excited about this project. I’ve been able to read one of the stories mine is braided with and I enjoyed it. I can’t wait to see what the other author comes up with.

So – first things first – here is a link to the Kickstart for the anthology: Tokyo Yakuza

Here is the cool part – I’ve got art that goes with my story. No, it doesn’t match what’s on the Kickstarter but I suspect that’s because I was slow to repsond. My story isn’t available yet – they’re being released piecemeal as the project moves along. I will let everyone know for sure when my story becomes available. Until then, go ahead and check out the first one! It’s up on Amazon: The Things We Try To Forget.

Tokyo Yakuza 31 (Desire)

I will keep everyone up to speed as we move along through the project!

That missing piece

This is the start of my 5th week being laid off. It’s really quite odd. I know there is anxiety floating in the background, but it hasn’t transformed into full fledged fear yet. I believe that part of the reason is that I don’t tie myself to my work. My day job is not who I am, so the loss of it hasn’t caused me to lose some part of myself. There are other people out there that are tied much more directly to their work and without it they seem lost. I strive to keep a balance in my life and so far it seems to be holding. I have kept to my regular schedule and work through the day just as if I had to be at some office doing things. Better to stay on track – don’t want to crash when going back to work.

The up side to this whole mess? I’m actually getting work done for me. I’ve been able to be creative with a couple of projects, get some things done around the house and work on my writing. I’ve gotten 2 submissions out and I’m waiting to hear back. I’ve got another couple on the burner – they’re scheduled to be edited and submitted this week. I’ve even had the chance to get out and take some photos. It was a gorgeous afternoon last Wednesday and I had the chance to walk and snap with a friend. It was very relaxing. Hopefully I’ll get to do some more of this kind of thing before I get back to the grind (but not too many more – I do need to pay the bills after all).


Goals and Membership

I’ve posted before about having goals, so I’m not going to go into that again. Something I read recently was an article talking about how writer’s associations are taking up the question of allowing members who are self published. Essentially, change the rules of who can belong to the club (I’m picturing an old childhood tree fort with the “no girls allowed” sign posted out front). Is this is a good idea?

Yes, it’s a good idea. That statement is regarding the idea of changing, not necessarily the particular change in question. Any organization that doesn’t recognize the world around it and adapt to those changes will fade and die. It’s really that simple. So, repeating, yes it’s a good idea to change.

Is it a good idea to try to get in? That’s the real question.

I know a number of folks that are right at the edge of the membership (as the rules stand now). I know a couple of folks that are in and a couple of folks that really couldn’t care less if they tried. Some writer’s I’ve talked to really want in – and it’s not been stated directly, it’s been implied by particular choices made in what contests to enter and what publications to submit to more than anything. Others I’ve seen posts from have taken the attitude of reacting from a place of hurt feelings, “you didn’t want me before… why should I want you now that you’re willing to recognize me”. I’m not sure either view is quite right.

I don’t know if I want to be a member of any of these groups or not. What I do know is that I want to make good stories and get them out there for people to enjoy. I don’t know if that will ever be a full time thing for me or not. I don’t know if I’ll ever meet the requirements, adjusted or not, to get into a professional association. You know what? I’m not worried about it. Over time I’ve come to discover that these things generally work themselves out *after* there’s been a lot of work put in – and not work toward gaining entrance. It’s the creativity that matters – make something awesome. The rest of it follows.