I just finished the last of the Murderbot Diaries – Exit Strategy. It’s #4 in the series of novellas by author Martha Wells. I very much enjoyed this series. Each one was just the right length and attitude that I was looking for right now. I burned through them terribly quickly…
You should too if you like science fiction / action stories.

I don’t know if I would have found them if not for Tor giving them away. It’s so difficult to weed through all the options out there these days. I give them their due – I am into it and will be looking forward to the release of Network Effect: A Murderbot Novel in the early part of May.
The last novella – Exit Strategy pushed the action harder than any of the others in the series. There were a couple of times when I had to stretch my willing suspension of disbelief about the amount of things MB was processing, but then the author handled that really, really well. I’m not going to spoil it for you – but I was happy with it.
I was also interested to note that MB was referred to as “it” a lot. The gender of MB was something that was only faint background stuff to me, but it was there. I only gave it more than a passing thought because of the organic parts being altered for the sake of appearance. There isn’t a super clear description of what the main character actually looks like anywhere in there. I think it really works well, and I don’t honestly know if I could pull that off as an author. I think that’s something to admire about this author’s writing. Very well done indeed.
I can certainly say that if you like action oriented science fiction (or science fantasy if you prefer) you should go and check this series out!