Anniversary again

This one is a little different from my other anniversaries – it’s the website’s anniversary.

This year will be 17 years. It’s another year and another collection of posts, but one that I can’t say is super significant? Why do we attach more significance to round numbers?

Whatever the case, here we are at 17. It IS important to note the passing of time and the fact that I’m still here. I’ve not made anywhere near the progress I’d wanted way back in those dreamy start up days, but I’m still here.

I’m not a website developer. I don’t know how to manipulate the back of house stuff here – I can only work with the tools I’ve got on hand. I went looking to see what kind of statistics were available for me to check out and it turns out… not many. One of these days maybe that will be a thing I can change or update.

I’ve got no small amount of trepidation about the upcoming year(s) as we change to another political administration, but hopefully I’ll still be here for #18 and beyond. Happy anniversary to me.