Knitting Needles and Handkerchiefs

The Remarkable Retirement of Edna Fisher by E.M. Anderson

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A chosen one fantasy you say? Been there, seen that… except I haven’t seen this before.

A chosen one who’s NOT a child. Somebody with life experience and real world concerns. Somebody who can’t necessarily solve every problem with athletic skill. What a wonderful change.

While I’m not in the same age category as Edna, it was refreshing to see how life can and does change a person and how they interact with others. Edna and her companions were real and believable. The mish-mash of desires and emotions and actions based on that made for a believable group of people.

There was still action. There were swords and spells and dragons. There were real consequences to actions and choices made. This was a thoroughly enjoyable book. If you’re looking for some good modern fantasy I would recommend this one, knitting needles and all.

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