Submission Away!

It’s not easy to write in multiple places at the same time. I know there are folks out there who do it all the time, but I am not that good, nor am I that prolific.

A friend chanced to point me at a publisher searching for rejected stories. The requirement was that the story needed to have been rejected at least three previous times before it qualified to be sent. I have a number of stories that fit this category, but one in particular has always been disappointing to see rejected. Expectations of Speed is a good story. It’s really short at just fifteen hundred words or so, but it packs a lot into that short space.

So, off it went. I’ve made a small step back into the world of sending my work out there (and hoping it doesn’t get rejected again). They site said to query them if I hadn’t heard anything in 4 months. Hopefully it won’t take until November to see results!

I will be sure to post it here when I get an answer.